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Weymouth College faced the challenge of expanding its learning facilities to accommodate the suspected increase in admissions following the introduction of new Technical Qualification (T-Level) courses.
To prepare for a rise in student enrolments, the client required modular classrooms that would be completed in time for students starting the new term
In response to an increasing need for special educational needs and disability (SEND) places across the region, the school required additional temporary accommodation on two of its sites to be delivered within a reduced timeframe.
Vale of Glamorgan Council approached McAvoy in mid-June 2022 with the task of providing a premium quality temporary teaching space on a turn-key basis in time for the September 2022 term.
Cardiff City Council had a requirement for a dedicated SEN space within Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr, which is a Welsh-medium comprehensive secondary school in Cardiff. McAvoy was awarded the project following a competitive tendering process via the SEWSCAP framework.
The Southern Health & Social Care Trust had a requirement for an extension to their GP out of hours surgery at Craigavon Area hospital in order to reduce waiting lists.
When Longford and Westmeath ETB had an urgent requirement for classrooms at Castlepollard Community College, our McAvoy team worked quickly to provide our SmartClass modular solution ahead of the new term starting in September.